Muir Woods and Brody's Baby Shower

I took another paid training trip, this time to Muir Woods. It took me almost 6 months to take the Muir Woods tour because who cares?? Nature? Me? NOPE---but I figured it's time to figure out what M Weezy is since we sell it to customers.
Muir Woods looking like Forks..I was expecting Edward Cullen to roll through and call me Spider Monkey.
Someone looked at a tree and thought "You should be a man"
Muir Beach overlook was so classically SF foggy. Pretty anticlimatic since this is advertised as a beautiful picture stop.
Giants vs. who cares -- I got these dope seats thanks to Stub Hub <3
Brody's nursery!!!!
Are you pregnant and can't reach your feet? I'll be happy to paint your fat little toes! JK this service is for besties only. Please do not contact me for pedicures.
My sister was so mad when she saw this picture "YOU DIDNT PUMP HER GAS?" Ummmmm she's not handicapped, it's her car, pregnant babes can still pump gas.
Mona took care of Jin when he was a little puppy, and now he's a big puppy!
My cousin Nick did work on that jerk chicken.
Baby shower cupcake couture
Kiersten has blue eyes, Eric has green eyes -- this baby is ALL SET!
Palm a very pregnant stomach, it's awesome. There's a little miracle in there.
After the baby shower I enjoyed a brewski with Kiersten's Mom :)
Right before I left Florida I stopped by Salon Edge and got a trim by CAITLIN TURPEL! She's the only person I trust to cut my mermaid weave.
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