Gladfiseeyu Jamaica

It's been about 7 years since my last trip to the motherland, and this was the saddest.
We miss you Grandma G!
This is the first thing you see after going through immigration. Smiles were on our faces.
This was the first time I was at Grandma's house with my little cousins who are now taller than me! Uncle Steve was showing us how to make necklaces from the flowers off Grandma's property.
We hit up Linstead Market for some spices.
Purple scotch bonnets? YIKES
This is Jamar. His grandmudda sold us corn.
The KFC in Jamaica is so good. It might seem odd, but this is usually a request to go to when we are on the island.
$500 JA = $5 USD
$1000 JA = $10 USD
Lengi has worked for my grandma for over 15 years, if you need a coconut, he'll cut it for you (with a machete) ASAP.
On the day of my Grandma's funeral I found out she has 4 peacocks on the property!
My little cousins were feeding dog food to the peacocks.
Sugar cane selfie!
My Dad loves ice cream! There were 16 orders of ice cream cones, Dad was the first to get served, I was one of the last.
Pretty cool to see Usain Bolt at the airport running to his gate just like the rest of us.
Mona and I were stoked to go to the supermarket in Jamaica and bring home JA snacks from our childhood back to America.
For Easter weekend I drove up to the Boston area with my cousin and his family. We were very close to running out of gas. This was a victory picture.
We saw lots of reenactments since Patriot's Day was right around the corner.
We stayed at my cousin-in-law's Mom's house, her name is Grammie! at one point Grammie parked the car as I was with the older girls, I got a phone call -- "Hi Grammie, where are you?".. "I'm on the side where the British are retreating" .. "Okay, I'll see you soon"
Just hanging out in a Boston bar with my cousin and this gnome
The gnome was saying the right things
I got in trouble for having my phone out when it was time to eat. It's hard to explain my need to instagram this delicious crab benedict to an 8 year old.
My cousin's kids are sweetie pies!
I hid the Easter eggs around the yard and it was the youngest daughter to find the eggs on the beamer doors!
Brandon said I could drive the porsche. It was a little fun, but mostly terrifying.
Jackie got us tickets to the American Comedy Awards. We saw Amy Poehler take a selfie with the cast of HBO’s VEEP. Hannibal Buress was schmoozing with Bill Hader. Key & Peele were so handsome in their suit and ties. Sir Patrick Stewart is hysterical and loves viral videos as much as we do.
Chris Rock presented Bill Cosby with the Johnny Carson Award. Craig Robinson was the music director and kept us dancing in our black tie dress code.
Jackie texted me about a STREET FAIR by her apt!
I just love any excuse to eat corn.
I had a candy apple for the first time! I was raised by Jamaicans, there are a lot of American things I am still JUST experiencing. Anyways it tasted like candy..and an apple.. I get it.
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